challenge / opportunity
Lead and direct the studio's Speculative Design exercise to explore potential future scenarios using wearble technologies, and their impact on people, culture, and society.
Mixed Media
Seen here: Breathe in the AirWaves mask, one of eight winning wearable technology concepts spawned by an internal speculative design exploration at Frog Design. AirWaves takes the idea of a pollution mask and turns it high tech. The idea is for the mask to monitor pollution levels and share that data with other wearers, creating a collective map showing which areas of a city to avoid. The Kinetik design concept emerged as a top idea in the speculative design exercise. The idea is to have a wearable object that could be worn on the wrist or attached to bike spokes that would track and harness energy given off by movements. Ideally, it would store enough energy to be able to power a mobile device like a phone. The Hello World DIY kit concept aims to help build the next generation of makers. The kit is geared for preteen girls as a fun entrance into the maker world. It consists of Arduino projects that require no programming skills. A modular design gives the whole kit a tremendous amount of flexibility.